Spending more time at home A talk with founder, Ove Rogne

Spending more time at home A talk with founder, Ove Rogne

Over the last 15 years, Northern has grown into a widely recognised innovator in modern lighting, furniture and home accessories. We talked to CEO and founder, Ove Rogne about how the brand began and what spending more time in his own home has meant to him.

“We need to learn to cherish the things around us more, stop this cycle of mass consumption, and start to buy less but invest in better.

Where do you call home and how has spending more time there this year changed what it means to you?

For me the city of Oslo will always be home. It is where I live, work, and more importantly where Northern is based and continues to get its ideas and inspiration from.

Like many people over this last year, I’ve spent long periods of time in my apartment trying to juggle work time and home life all in the same space. While there have certainly been moments when I’ve found these changes difficult to manage; whatever our daily lives entail, our homes remain special places that offer sanctuary as well as stimulation.


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